Her Tom, Her Lover (Paranormal BBW Cat Shifter Romance): A Silver Moon Romance
Her Lover, Her Tom
(A Paranormal Romantic BBW Cat Shifter Tale)
By Nicole Hofbrauhaus
Copyright 2014 A Silver Moon Romance. All Rights Reserved
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Lena Nicoletto arrived home at promptly 5:30pm on Friday night to an empty apartment. It had been 2 months, 4 days, and 18 hours since she broke up with her boyfriend, Jeff. Not that she was counting.
She dropped her bag on the couch of her small, but cozy living room, and took off her thick winter coat, shaking snowflakes from her hair. Usually, she’d be running into her bathroom, slapping makeup on her face and slipping into one of her favorite outfits. She used to race to get ready for a romp with Jeff at her place, or his, or occasionally some lovely hotel room downtown.
However, that had changed 2 months, 4 days, and 18 hours ago, when Jeff decided to break up with her, because he simply wasn’t “feeling it” as he said. Of course, she soon found out the real reason was he was “feeling it” with Jennifer in Accounting. People always said never to start an office romance, but did she listen? No, of course not. She opened not only her heart, but also her legs, to the first handsome man who came calling, even though he was a manager at the advertising company where she worked as a copywriter. He told her over and over again he found her beautiful and he found her size 16 body incredible sexy. However, over time, it seemed his interest waned and he wasn’t into having sex. He gave her excuses. He had a busy day. He hurt his back. He just came from the gym and was too tired. Of course, now she knew that Jeff was a lying cheating dog.
Lena walked into her bedroom, had a quick shower, and wrapped herself in her favorite fluffy robe. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was pretty, with fine, clear skin and long, wavy blonde hair. However, it inevitably came down to the one thing she always heard people say – “You’re so pretty…if only you could lose some weight and you’d be perfect!”
She had always been the “big girl” ever since she was little. While growing up, it had been hard and she endured the teasing. Lena learned to ignore what other people had to say about her and focused on her studies. She went to a top-ranked university in college and right after graduation, one of the most prestigious advertising firms in the country (and the world), Harwick and Evans, hired her as a junior copywriter. She loved her job and worked relentlessly until she became a senior copywriter in less than a year. She dated a little bit, had the occasional one night stand, but hardly considered anything serious. Until Jeff, a small voice inside her said. She promptly squashed that voice with an imaginary hammer. Shaking her head, she walked out into her living room and turned on the TV.
Bored, bored, bored, she droned to herself. Outside, she heard a group of girls shouting and giggling, probably on their way to a pub. She thought jealously of those young, lithe girls who always seemed to capture men’s attention. The buzzing on her phone interrupted her thoughts and she grabbed her handbag, scrambling to answer her phone. It was only a text message, she realized, an advertisement for a 10 percent off coupon for a “romantic dinner for two” at a restaurant she visited once with Jeff.
“Bah!” she thought, wanting to toss the phone clear across the room. Instead, she looked the luminous screen and started scrolling through her phone book. “Who would be free now?” she wondered to herself. She was so bored and lonely…and maybe even a little horny. Eventually, she saw the name of one person who would be free on a Friday night. She tapped the message icon and sent out a text.
Lyle Evans wasn’t the sort of person to inspire excitement. Indeed, if Lena were to write for an ad featuring Lyle, the first words that would come out of her brain would probably be “flat” “lackluster” and “lame.” Yes, Lame Lyle. However, it was 7:30 on a Friday night and beggars couldn’t be choosers. Lena got dressed in a nice, black dress that hugged her tightly, and put on some red lipstick and mascara. She opened the door when the buzzer rang, greeting Lyle with a bright smile.
“Hi Lyle,” she said.
Lyle gave her that toothy smile, greeting her in return. Lena hardly heard what he said, because the dried pizza sauce sticking to his lip distracted her.
“Uh, Lena, are you going to invite me in?” Pizza sauce…err…Lyle asked, a puzzled look on his face.
“Errgghh…yeah, of course Lyle,” she stammered, motioning for him to come in. “I was just uhhh…” Lena’s olfactory system practically shut down when Lyle walked past. Lyle always seemed to have the pit-stain smell about him, but tonight it was like the smell had turned into a storm cloud that followed him around. “Let me…let me get some fresh air in…” she said, sprinting to the large windows. She unlatched and pushed the windows open, and was blasted by the wintery, yet thankfully fresh, air from the outside. She turned, looking around as Lyle made himself at home on her couch. Lena quickly ran to the other side of the apartment and opened a second set of windows. “Uhm….isn’t that better? It sure was stuffy in here!” she proclaimed. “Let me get some drinks! Soda? Wine? Beer?” she asked, but she didn’t let him answer back. She went into the kitchen, hoping the air would do its job before she had to go back into the living room.
“Can I give you a hand, Lena?” Lyle asked. He really was sweet, despite being socially awkward. And he wasn’t that bad looking. Sure, he always wore the same shirt, sometimes his hair was a little greasy, and he was on the thin side. But he was always nice and polite to her and she couldn’t help but feel he wanted more than to just hang out with her.
“No, I’m good!” she said, coming out of the kitchen with some glasses and a bottle of wine. She sat down next to him. Jesus Christ! Was it her imagination or did that dried-up pizza sauce move to the right side of his lip? She could have sworn it was on the other side. “Uhm, wine?” she asked, pouring him a glass.
“Thanks,” he said, taking a gulp of wine. “So, how about a movie? What’s on tonight?” Lyle reached for the remote of her television and switched it on. He flipped the channels and then settled on a comedy on a movie channel.
Lena couldn’t believe him. Here she was, offering him expensive wine, wearing a sexy dress and red lipstick and all he wanted to do was watch TV. She cleared her throat. “Uhm Lyle?”
Lyle was laughing to something funny on the TV. “Shh---wait, wait, this is the best part!” He laughed and the piece of pizza sauce flew from his lips and landed somewhere across the living room. Lena made a mental note to vacuum in the morning.
She remained silent for the next few minutes, sipping her wine. Before she knew it, she had drunk the entire glass. Lena reached for the bottle for a refill.
Finally, the movie was done and the credits began to roll. By this time, Lena was almost done with her second glass. She was silently fuming at Lyle for ignoring her. She was glad that was done. “So Lyle,” she leaned forward, making sure she zipped down the front of her dress just enough to show off some cleavage. “How’s work been?”
Lyle seemed to light up with her question, as his job as a manager at the box factory (which was ironic, seeing as how it seemed as boring to her as Lyle did) was his one source of pride and joy. “Well, we had some excitement today as one of the machines broke down and…”
She let him drone on and on, not listening to what he said. Well, she was glad the stink about him had somewhat abated and his lips were clean of pizza sauce. She gulped down the last of her wine and th
ought, what the hell, before lunging at Lyle for a kiss.
“Le-hmmmph!” Lyle could hardly protest. Lena grabbed his shoulders as she pressed her lips against his. His lips felt slimy and wet, and he opened them slightly. Lena thought he was going to stick his tongue out, but instead, he pushed her away.
Lyle quickly jumped up from the couch. “Lena, what was that?” he sounded confused.
“What was that?” she answered incredulously.
“I mean Lena…I’m sorry,” he stammered. “But, I just don’t…I don’t think of you that way.”
“What?” Oh my God, she thought to herself. Was Lame Lyle rejecting her?
“I’m sorry Lena,” he slowly walked towards her. “I’m sorry if I led you on and you thought I was returning your feelings…you’re a nice person, but I’m just…I only think of you as a friend…like a sister.” He awkwardly put a hand on her shoulder, limply squeezing her with his clammy hand.
Lena wanted to laugh out loud. Leading her on? Thought of her as a sister? Dear lord, she must have drunk way too much! “It’s ok, Lyle,” she said, patting his hand. “I got a little drunk and got…carried away.”
“Yes, well I know you’ve been depressed about Jeff-“
“Really, it’s ok, Lyle. Please just go.” She said, biting her lips, her shoulders hunched over, shaking slightly.
Lyle didn’t say a word and when she heard the door slam shut, she sat up straight, her eyes filled with tears. “Oh God!” she laughed. “Lyle fuckin’ Evans! You asshole!” Well, she didn’t really think he was an asshole, but the whole thing was hilarious! From his thinking that he led her on (really? With his pit stain stink?) and attempt to “comfort” her. Her hormones must have driven her insane, making her think she could fuck Lyle .
After she composed herself, she sat back and sighed. The truth was, she was horny and missed the feeling of a man’s naked body against hers. But, she still had standards. The one thing nice about having a boyfriend was someone to hold you and have sex with you (without having to dress up and go to a bar). She thought about the last time she had sex before Jeff. It was with Pete, one of her (or her only) go-to friend-with-benefits. Sex with Pete was great and usually did the trick especially when she was between boyfriends. Lena grabbed her phone and tapped out a quick text message. She set the phone down and then poured herself another glass of wine. She waited patiently, but ten minutes had passed and no answer. Ugh.
Lena’s thoughts were interrupted by a blur just outside the window and then a loud meow. Strange, she thought. I don’t remember any neighbor with a cat. She stood up and walked over to the window. Just outside, she saw a large orange tom cat with a leash, walking around in the snow. “Poor thing!” she said out loud. “Who would leave a cat in this snow?” She immediately decided to run out and try to coax the cat to come into her apartment. She walked away from the window, intending to grab some milk from her kitchen when her entire apartment went black.
“Fuck!” she said, stubbing her toe on the corner of her coffee table. She crawled her way to her couch and sat down, rubbing her toe. She reached for her cell phone and turned on the flashlight function, bringing some light into her dark apartment. Looking outside, Lena saw that even the streetlamps were out.
Oh fuck it, she thought, I’m outta here.
Lena put on her coat and shoes in the dark, crossed her fingers, hoping her makeup was ok, and stepped out the door of her lovely little row house.
The Dragon and Wolf was the closest tavern from Lena’s house and she passed by it everyday. It was a cozy little pub and usually wasn’t packed, but since it was a Friday night, there were a lot of people. She walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. “Scotch, neat,” she told the bartender.
“I like a woman who knows the right kind of drink to order,” she heard a voice behind her say. Lena turned around.
The man standing behind her was handsome, tall, and well-built. He was definitely an 8.5, maybe a 9, she thought. He also looked like a fashion plate, wearing a crisp white shirt, a slim tie, and perfectly pleated pants. He grinned at her and she arched a brow. “I’m Bryant,” he said. “Let me get you your drink. It’s not often I come across a lady who doesn’t order vodka cranberries or cosmos.”
Lena let him pay for a drink and lead her to his table. “Thanks. Lena,” she extended her hand. Instead of shaking it, Bryant kissed the back of her hand.
“Pleasure’s all mine,” he said. “So, Lena, what brings you to the Dragon and Wolf? And where’s your boyfriend?”
Lena laughed, knowing the game. “Well, the power’s out in the neighborhood, and unfortunately, no boyfriends.”
“Oh? A pretty thing like you?”
She shook her head. “Well maybe we can do something about that!” he said.
Lena couldn’t believe her luck. This gorgeous guy, talking to her at this bar and flirting with her! They continued talking and getting to know each other and She put out all the stops – listening intently, batting her eyelashes, laughing at the right times, and leaning forward and “accidentally” brushing his arm with her breasts. After half an hour, she knew almost everything she needed to know about him. He was new in the area, worked as a personal trainer and Pilate’s instructor (which explained why he had such a hot body), and he loved good wine and French food. He also proudly showed her pictures of his two Yorkshire terriers named Judy and Barbara. She could definitely feel a good vibe coming from him. She took a sip of her scotch, finishing it up.
“So, Bryant,” she cooed, her voice going down an octave. “My place is around the corner, maybe you’d like to finish talking over there?”
His face immediately changed. “Oh, well,” he cleared his throat. “Actually, Lena, I should be going home, my husband will be expecting me.”
Lena did her best to keep a straight face, but she probably could have popped a vein trying to keep herself from screaming. “Oh lovely!” was all she could say. Why didn’t she see it? The clothes, grooming, and the easy way he would talk to her. How sophisticated he was. Judy. Barbara! Of course he was gay. And married. She grabbed the arm of a passing waited, her fingernails digging into his arm like claws. “One more. Make it a double.”
Lena breathed a sigh as she closed the door behind her and leaned back. She looked down at her mobile phone, the white numbers “10:00” glowing brightly in the dark, as if mocking how early she was home on a Friday night. She set the phone down, leaving the flashlight on to light up the room. There was still no power and her house was freezing.
“Not even midnight,” she thought, plopping down on her couch. Lena leaned back on the chair’s comfy padding, easing her feet out of her stilettos. After that Bryant disaster, she had certainly learned her lesson. No more dating. No more bars. No more men. Not for a while, anyway.
She reached for the bottle of wine, filled up the two empty glasses, and quickly downed one of them. Looking out the windows, Lena saw that the snow had stopped some time ago and a bright, full moon shone outside, illuminating the dark street. It was a beautiful sight, with the street empty and quiet. However, a loud meow broke the silence. She downed the second glass of wine before she stood up and walked towards the window.
The orange cat from earlier that night was still there! “Oh dear!” she had forgotten all about him! He must be freezing! She grabbed her phone/flashlight and ran to the kitchen. She opened her fridge and found a half-empty can of tuna. Taking it with her, she ran out to the hallway and opened the door. What a relief that it was still ok! Well, she thought, it is a pretty fat cat…not too fat, but big all around.
“Here kitty!” she called, putting the can on the floor. The cat turned and looked at her with its strange, amber-colored eyes and began walking towards her. The cat brushed by her foot, completely ignoring the tuna. He walked straight into her house and hopped up the stairs. “Why that little bugger!”
Lena slammed the door shut and ran up. She had left her bedroom door
open and when she walked in, she saw the cat curled up on her bed.
“What the-“ her words were interrupted by the familiar beeping sound of her mobile phone, indicating that it was running out of power. “Oh bother!” she said to herself. She shut the phone off to conserve power, in case she had to call anyone. “I hope you don’t have fleas,” she muttered to the sleeping cat. She took off her dress, crawled under the warm blankets, and closed her eyes. At least he’s warm, she thought, before falling fast asleep.
Lena quickly woke up as she felt a movement. She turned around groggily, and saw only sheets beside her. That cat! She remembered. She looked around, wondering where the thing was. She saw a movement from the corner of her eye. She turned towards the window and saw the cat walking gracefully towards the patch of moonlight on the floor. It turned around to face her, staring at her with those deep amber eyes. Lena felt a chill go through her, and it felt like it was staring right into her soul. What came next however, she didn’t expect.
The cat stretch on its hind legs, hissing and moaning. Its arms seemed to extend forward, growing longer and longer, as did the rest of its body. The orange fur receded into its skin, the pale whiteness turning into a darkly tanned flesh. Its body straightened up and claws turned into long, elegant fingers. The hind cat legs turned into human ones, long and sinewy. Its face lost all the fur and whiskers, and sculpted cheekbones took their place. Still, those amber eyes remained, cat-like, staring right into Lena’s soul.
Lena stared incredulously, not believing what happened. She did the only thing she could. She fainted.
Strong, warm hands roamed her body, touching her, massaging her. One large hand cupped her plump breast; the other traced a line from her navel, down between her thighs.
“Mmmm…” Lena moaned. What a delicious dream, she thought. Her eyes were shut, so she must be dreaming. Right. Right?! Her eyes flew open. She was still in her bedroom, in the dark. A full moon outside her window and something…someone…was definitely behind her, touching her everywhere. She lay still. Oh my god, she screamed silently. Someone broke into my house and now he’s in my bed! What did he want? Lena stayed still, not wanting to alarm him, in case he had a gun on her. Well, he definitely had something hard (and big) on her, and she was pretty sure it wasn’t a gun.